


  • 颅底由几块骨头组成,这些骨头构成了头的底部以及眼睛和鼻子后面的骨脊.
  • Many different kinds of tumors can grow in this area. 当它们长得足够大,对大脑造成压力时,它们更有可能引起症状,并被诊断出来.
  • 治疗颅底肿瘤具有挑战性,因为它们可以在颅骨深处生长,靠近大脑中的关键神经和血管, head, 颈部和脊髓.

What are the different types of skull base tumor?

颅底肿瘤通常生长在颅骨内部,但偶尔也会在颅骨外部形成. 它们可以作为原发性肿瘤起源于颅底,也可以作为肿瘤从身体其他部位扩散到颅底 转移性脑瘤.


In the front section of the skull base (anterior cranial fossa), which contains the eye sockets 和 sinuses, the following tumors are more likely:

颅底中央隔室(中颅窝)包含蝶鞍, 脑下垂体位于颅底的鞍状骨结构. Tumors arising in this area are called sellar tumors, 和 may include:

At the back compartment of the skull base (posterior cranial fossa), the following tumors are more common:



软骨瘤 are very rare benign tumors made of bone cartilage found in the skull. Both the skull base 和 the paranasal sinuses contain cartilage. 软骨瘤可以在软骨中发展,通常发生在10到30岁之间的人身上.

这些肿瘤生长缓慢, but eventually may cause the bone to fracture or grow too much, 给大脑造成压力. In rare instances, chondromas may develop into a cancerous condition called 软骨肉瘤.

Though each individual may experience symptoms differently, 当出现软骨瘤时, it may cause visual changes or headache.

Diagnosing a chondroma may include imaging studies such as X-ray, CT scan or MRI to determine the size 和 location of the tumor.



脑膨出 脑的部分囊状突起和脑膜是否通过颅骨的开口. These rare birth defects occur when the neural tube, in which the brain 和 spinal cord form, fails to close completely during fetal development. Skin or, less often, a thin membrane, covers the sac outside the skull.

脑膨出 can occur in the base of the skull, 颅骨:颅骨的顶部或后部, 或者额头和鼻子之间. Conditions associated with encephaloceles include 脑积水 (excess accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain), 发育迟缓, microcephaly (an abnormally small head), 麻痹和癫痫.

Post-op image of an encephalocele


  • 头疼

  • 鼻引流

  • 脑膜炎

  • 视觉障碍

  • 耳鸣

诊断脑膨出包括分析鼻液中一种叫做-2转铁蛋白的蛋白质,这种蛋白质只在脑脊液中发现. 也可能需要CT和MRI扫描来确定泄漏的位置和严重程度.


血管外皮细胞瘤 are rare tumors that involve the blood vessels. They are most common in the legs, pelvic area, head, neck 和 brain. 血管外皮细胞瘤 often are painless masses with few or no symptoms.

大多数血管外皮细胞瘤见于软组织,但也可能发生在颅底, nasal cavity 和 paranasal sinuses. These tumors may be benign or malignant; cancerous hemangiopericytomas can spread to the bone, 肺或肝.

In addition to a complete medical history 和 physical examination, diagnostic procedures for hemangiopericytomas may include X-ray, CT scan or MRI to determine the size 和 location of the tumor.

血管外皮细胞瘤 treatment involves surgery, involving either a 颅骨切开术 or an endonasal endoscopic procedure. 外科医生可能会建议在手术后进行放疗或化疗,以增加获得良好结果的机会.

Skull Base Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma

鼻咽血管纤维瘤, also known as juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, is a benign tumor in the nose usually found in adolescent boys.

鼻咽血管纤维瘤s spread into areas around the nose, causing symptoms such as a stuffy nose 和 bleeding from the nose.


骨瘤 良性骨生长(新骨生长)是否主要出现在颅骨和面部骨骼上. If the bone tumor grows on another bone, it is called homoplastic osteoma. If it grows on tissue, it is called eteroplastic osteoma.

Skull base osteomas are slow growing 和 generally cause no symptoms. 然而,某些部位的大骨瘤可能会导致呼吸、视力或听力问题.


岩尖病变 畸形是否发生在靠近中耳的颅骨骨尖. 最常见的岩状顶点病变类型是良性胆固醇肉芽肿,为囊肿. Other petrous apex lesions include cholesteatomas, 岩石的根尖炎, 岩尖积液, 骨癌.

Most petrous apex lesions are benign. 然而, 其他类型癌症的患者可能会发展为转移性岩状顶点病变, 哪些是恶性肿瘤,起源于身体其他部位的癌症,然后扩散到大脑.

What are the signs 和 symptoms of skull base tumor?

随着肿瘤的生长,症状逐渐显现,并对脑垂体等大脑重要结构造成压力, the optic nerve 和 the carotid arteries.

Specific symptoms depend on the type, location 和 size of the tumor. 例如,涉及颅底和鼻子的肿瘤会影响呼吸和嗅觉. Some tumors in the pituitary gl和 can affect vision 和 swallowing.

In general, common symptoms of skull base tumors include:

  • 头痛

  • 呼吸困难

  • 嗅觉改变

  • 视力模糊或重影

  • 吞咽困难

  • 听力损失


  • 失去平衡

  • 恶心和呕吐

  • 记忆丧失

What are the risk factors of skull base tumor?

There are no obvious causes for the development of skull base tumors. 风险因素可能包括:

  • Previous radiation therapy to the head to treat an infection of the scalp, 或者是头部肿瘤, 脖子还是大脑

  • Exposure to chemicals, including vinyl chloride, arsenic 和 herbicides

  • 某些遗传条件


How are skull base tumors diagnosed?

诊断颅底肿瘤首先要进行体检,包括有关症状的问题, 和 personal 和 family health history.

A neurological exam will check your vision, 听力, 平衡, 协调, reflexes 和 ability to think 和 remember.

Imaging of the brain may include:

  • 磁共振成像 (MRI)

  • 计算机断层扫描 (CT或CAT扫描)

  • 骨扫描, in which radioactive material is injected into your bloodstream. 肿瘤会吸收这种物质,然后用一台特殊的相机通过电脑产生图像. 这样你的医生就可以确定骨肿瘤的位置,并检测癌症是否扩散到其他器官.

  • 正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) scans that can detect changes in cells as they grow. Often used in conjunction with a CT, PET/CT可以识别注射了放射性葡萄糖的肿瘤细胞,这样就可以将它们与大脑的正常部分进行比较.

  • 内窥镜检查, which uses a thin, lighted instrument to examine the nasal passages.


When a skull base tumor is diagnosed, 接下来的行动方案由专家团队推荐,他们共同确定并执行最适合每位患者的程序.

颅底肿瘤和疾病的治疗可能包括观察的任何组合, surgery 和 radiation therapy depending on:

  • 肿瘤的位置

  • The extent of the tumor 和 whether it is benign or malignant

  • Your general health 和 preferences regarding potential treatment options


For a small skull base tumor that does not cause any significant symptoms, your doctor may recommend observation. If time passes 和 the tumor does not grow or affect your function, you may not need further treatment.


治疗颅底脑肿瘤有多种手术方法,包括 颅骨切开术.

大多数颅底肿瘤患者(约90%)可以通过微创内镜鼻内手术治疗. 这些手术可以帮助外科医生通过鼻子接近肿瘤,并在不需要在面部或颅骨上做大切口的情况下切除肿瘤.


  • Minimally invasive retro-sigmoid 颅骨切开术 (keyhole brain surgery)

  • Minimally invasive supra-orbital "eyebrow" 颅骨切开术

如果患者的肿瘤是良性的,并且位于颅底的一部分,神经外科医生可以安全地将其完全切除, surgery may be the only treatment needed.

The Johns Hopkins Proton Therapy Center


Proton therapy is used to treat certain tumors in children 和 adults. Our treatment center, located at 西布里纪念医院 in Washington, D.C.,结合先进的质子治疗技术,最新的研究和护理专家.


你的医生可能会建议在手术后使用放射治疗,尤其是恶性肿瘤或那些位于手术切除不安全的大脑区域的肿瘤. 辐射方法包括 外束放射治疗 立体定向放射治疗.

Transnasal Endoscopic 手术 | 索菲亚's Story

诊断为恶性颅底肿瘤,其他外科医生宣布不能手术, 索菲亚, 康涅狄格州的少年, 来到约翰霍普金斯大学,通过鼻内窥镜切除了肿瘤.